Ipswich Hospital Museum

Sharing the History of the Ipswich Hospital

The Museum is open Wednesdays 9am – 12 noon or by appointment

Hospital c. 1887




Partners & Sponsors


The Ipswich Hospital Museum relies on donations and grants to fund its operations, projects and displays. Donations are welcomed from individuals, groups and corporate sponsors, and can be made by cheque (made out to Ipswich Hospital Museum Inc), or by direct deposit to Ipswich Hospital Museum Commitee, BSB: 633 000, Account Number: 152661245.

Become a member

Becoming a member of the Ipswich Hospital Museum is free, and allows you to join a group of people dedicated to documenting, preserving and sharing the history of Ipswich Hospital. Members receive regular invitations to open days, meetings and other events. The Ipswich Hospital Museum is an incorporated association run by a management committee which meets as required. Museum members are notified of upcoming meetings and are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate.